Supply Chain & Logistics
Integrated Cargo Management

Toll provides a point of global shipment planning, purchase order monitoring, and transportation/distribution control. We keep you up to date on the most up-to-date and effective performance analytics, logistics solutions, and best practices, all geared toward identifying the inefficiencies and untapped opportunities in your supply chain that will boost your competitiveness. Aiming to incorporate all facets of physical cargo transportation, vendor and document management, information flow, and visibility, Toll focuses on the entire logistics process. Service options include door-to-door, seaport-to-seaport, seaport-to-door, and door-to-seaport. This includes:
Purchase Order management which caters from the creation of the PO to delivery to the final destination. Toll provides visibility at the at the PO or SKU level, providing exceptions management across the whole supply chain crossing geographical borders, time zones and operating characteristics. With access to data on the plant, product and manufacturing schedule, we boost control and visibility whilst lowering costs.
Vendor Management is another feature of the service which includes the training and support to your suppliers, integrating and collaboration on PO/SKU, document and order verification services, value added services including sub-assembly kitting or configuration available at certain locations as well.
A range of customized buyers' and shippers' consolidation is offered, allowing several orders to be combined from different manufacturers into one or multiple origin countries and placed into specific Full-Container-Load (FCL) containers. As a result, your costs are decreased and the load factors are raised. This is supported by the our Origin, freight and destination management services. These services are managed by our team of experienced supply chain program managers and analysts, whom provide information based decision making through our systems, which provide the PO, supplier, carrier and destination management with unified visibility and reporting.