For enquiries related to Team Global Express (formerly Toll Global Express) please visit their new website


We are able to provide integrated transportation and logistics solutions for supplier component parts and finished vehicles across the supply chain.

Contact us

We provide full supply chain solutions across the automotive and mobility industry. Our team has the expertise to help you achieve excellence. The automotive and mobility industry is rapidly evolving. As a result, supply sources, production techniques, and inventory considerations continued to transform. As our customer, we will meet these challenges for you with innovative solutions for all aspects of your automotive and mobility supply chain. 

We understand that you manage different supply chains providing a wide range of components that all need to be at the right place at the right time. You also have to mitigate disruptions caused by a variety of factors, from regulatory and policy changes to natural disasters. As your trusted logistics partner, we will handle these responsibilities for you. Our customers also enjoy our finished goods delivery services and spare parts management, where they can expect quality and timely service delivered cost effectively.

Automotive Supply Management

The complexity of automotive supply chains have increased, as the agility to manage both combustion and electric drive across production, whilst also managing the rapid adoption of technologies for customized faster turnarounds, as consumer expectations and demands evolve. Continued transformation to enable sustainability, connectivity and resilience across your supply is inevitable and this demands a reliable partner. Toll provides you the reliability, visibility and control to flow with your business.
Automotive Supply Management
Finished Vehicles Logistics

Finished Vehicles Logistics

Our Finished Vehicle Management (FVM) services can cater to general sales or special events. We provide professional freight, customs management, vehicle storage, and processing solutions. Pre-delivery inspection includes detailing, inspection, customisation, and more. We also ensure high standards of quality compliance. Our specialists understand the special requirements handling with care vehicles, with enhanced visibility and monitoring throughout the journey.

Automotive Spare Parts Logistics

Our parts service covers all forms of fulfilment for global and local networks. We bring certainty to all stakeholders by providing visibility to your customers, dealers, and partner networks. Aligned with your service model, we apply analytics and optimization to support your material flow. With consideration of transit time, point of entry, resilience, product value, and transportation modes, we provide the services from transportation to spare parts warehousing that support you in delighting your customers, having the parts when they need it or when they expect it reliably, with full visibility throughout.
Automotive Spare Parts Logistics

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Our solution experts are ready to advise and help you achieve excellence.
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