ILA-USMX negotiations on the US East Coast

4 September 2024

The agreement between the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance, Ltd. (USMX) expires on 30 September 2024 (EDT).

The ILA is the union covering major container terminals on the US East Coast (USEC). 

Negotiations have been on hold since June; the union will go on strike from 1 October 2024 if an agreement is not reached.

The ILA has scheduled meetings for 4-5 September, where its leadership plans to review its demands and establish strike committees to prepare for a possible strike. The USMX Board of Directors will convene on the same dates to discuss the next course of action. 

A strike on the USEC would have a massive impact on the US economy and container shipping flows. It would lead to port closures, the inability of vessels to berth and unload or load cargo, and halt cargo pick-up. USEC ports handle roughly 40% of all US ocean freight volumes, and clearing a single day’s backlog would take days. 

We will update you as more information becomes available.

Please contact your local Toll Global Forwarding representative or office for more information.

Camilo Palacios
Director Ocean Product North America
Toll Global Forwarding

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